As parents, very often we commit the mistake of worrying about our children`s future. The right thing to do is to build their character in the present. Character will be built by inculcating the right values and encouraging the children to educate themselves, so as they grow into adulthood, they are able to add value to others, be it their family or society at large.
I have come across parents, who have amassed immense wealth, but in the process of amassing wealth, they overlooked the necessity of inculcating values and the importance of education into their children. With the result, their children have grown up to be dysfunctional adults.
Too much exposure to money, and what money can buy invariably leads children to become arrogant, and arrogance invariably leads to the perpetuation of ignorance. As such children grow in age, they become more and more dependent on the family wealth, which invariably leads to low levels of self-esteem and there by low levels of motivation. Low self-esteem and low motivation is a deadly combination which often leads them to a life of sloth, and in many cases to substance abuse and skirmishes with the law.
It is important that as children grow older, he or she should become more and more independent, which will enable him or her to venture out, which will further boast his or her desire to acquiring the essential life skills.
I have always marveled at how Amitabh Bachan has done exceeding well in his life. While some of his contemporaries who may have been far more successful at one time receded overtime to a life of misery.
Amitabh Bachan rose from being a `zero` to a `hero` in the 1970s then becoming a `zero` when he was in his mid-fifties in the 1990s and again rising to become a `hero.` It is estimated that his current brand value is close to Rs. !5,000 crores.
Often Amitabh Bachan has spoken very highly of his father Shri Hari Vansh Rai Bachan. I have a feeling that Shri Hari Vansh Rai Bachan succeeded in inculcating values of work ethic and importance of learning in Amitabh Bachan during his growing years.
One of the poems that Shri Hari Vansh Rai Bachan wrote is one exemplary example of what a parent can do for his or her children`s character building.
The Poem titled `Afraid of the waves, the boat will not cross` is inspirational.
It beautifully refers to the intent of an ant, boasted by self-belief to keep trying, till it succeeds.
It mentions that a diver intent on getting a pearls, will eventually get them.
The poem goes on to exhort that failure is a challenge, which one must accept, and not hide behind justifications and go on to visualize one`s short comings and mistakes, and resolve to improve.
The last line is, that one should never give up the quest to achieve the goals, in spite of struggles. If anything one should forego is the sleep and the desire to be at ease of be comfortable.
I realize that not all of us are as talented as Shri Hari Vansh Rai Bachan to be able to compose amazing poems, but by all means we can read such poetry to our children, and explain and discuss with them ways to build one`s character.
I wish all the parents with young children to do it, even if they have to forego certain reality shows on television.` Be the Big Parent not the Big Boss!