You see things as they are and you say, `Why`` But I dream things that never were, and I say `Why not`` Let us dream of things and ask others and ourselves how`

A nail made of iron, thrown into water will sink. Nail it to a wooden plank, and it will float. For centuries ships were made of wood, from the belief that only wood can float. Then as always, people with an open mind observed that if the weight of the structure were to be lighter than the amount of water it displaces, the object will float, which led to the making of ships made of hollow hulls, made out of iron. The ships made of metals, allowed to carry bulk cargo in ever`larger quantities with more effectiveness, which would not have been possible if mankind would have limited itself to wood. Einstein said nothing happens unless something is moved. Everything in this universe is a movement of energy. Higher and faster energy overtakes slower and lower forms of energy. When light is brought to darkness, darkness becomes light, low energy when faced with high`energy results in automatic conversion. In humans, thoughts are the fundamentals seeds of energy. A low thought will create low actions, and a high thought will create high action. Low thoughts ultimately lead to decay and destruction, where as high thoughts lead to growth and vibrancy. Being conscious of our thoughts, we can direct ourselves and people around us. We need to connect ourselves to sources that provide high`energy thoughts, be it animate or inanimate. Keeping the company of people who are focused to construct than to destroy, every parent intuitively knows ` that we become like the people we hang out with. Why else do always tell their children that they don`t want them hanging out with `those kids`` It`s because we know that kids (and adults!) become like the people they hang out with. That is why it is so important to spend time with the people you want to become like. If you want to be more successful, you have to start hanging out with more successful people. Reading inspiring material and watching constructive things will add to the vibrancy of our mind. So it is up to us to select what we want to become. I firmly believe that all of us consciously want to build ourselves in all aspects of our lives. Once a grandfather was talking to his grandson, telling him, `I have two voices inside me. The first voice is filled with anger, hatred, bitterness, and mostly revenge. The second voice inside of me is filled with love, kindness, compassion, and mostly forgiveness.` `Which voice do you think will win`` The young boy inquired. The grandfather responded, `Whichever one I feed.` A mature man is sparked with a thought or a cause that ignites him to enlighten others and make life better and beautiful. An immature man is infected with a thought that forces him to hurt others and himself, making life ugly and painful.

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives ` William James, Harvard psychologist

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