Life can be a journey, full of joy, if you and I realize that by fulfilling our responsibilities with utmost commitment and dedication.` Be it as a parent or a professional, doing what is right is an effective approach than complaining that others are not cooperating or circumstances are unfavorable.
In case of Parenting, the right approach is to build the character of the child, than to worry about ensuring the future of the child. Worrying about the future does no good for the child`s future, but building the character of the child will yield fruits.
In a recent interview, Amitabh Bachchan narrated an incident about his father Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan, which made all the difference in Amitabh Bachchan`s life.
Amitabh Bachchan narrated that after graduating from Delhi University, Amitabh Bachchan failed to gain employment. Often, Amitabh Bachchan along with his friends would lament on their challenges of not securing a job. During one of the pity party sessions, one of Amitabh`s friends commented that their parents were responsible for their challenges. Had the parents not given them birth, they would not have been in the `mess.` Amitabh confronted his father Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan in the evening, that all of Amitabh`s problems were because of Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan. Had Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan not given him birth, Amitabh would not have been in trouble.
Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan remained silent, but left a Hindi poem in Amitabh`s bed early in the morning. The poem outlined `Today my son, overwhelmed by the challenges he was facing, accused me of giving birth to him without his permission. To his accusation I have no answer, except, my father also did not take permission before he gave birth to me, nor did my grandfather, who also did not take permission from my father before giving him birth. I suggest to my son, that he should start a new trend that is to take permission from his son, before he gives him birth.` Amitabh admired his father for setting his perspectives right, instead of shouting and scolding Amitabh for being irresponsible or stupid, he stayed up all night to right down a poem, which went a long way in correcting Amitabh`s attitude.
Similarly, Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan, wrote many other poems, especially, `Boats don`t cross the high seas by fearing the waves` which inspired the son, Amitabh to build character.
You and I may not have the talent to write meaningful poems, but you and I as parents can read and explain the meanings of such inspiring poems to our children, so the children are able to build the right perspective and their character.
The irony of many is that we are having lesser number of children, but we also commit the mistake of investing less time with the children. Sending the children to good schools alone doesn`t absolve us of the responsibility of being a good parent. `A parent is equal to a 100 school masters.`
At the work front, you and I can complain of the corrupt system or learn and inspire ourselves by learning from the great professionals like Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Mr. E. Shreedharan, the metro man. Ratan Tata the man who turned the Tatas around and Mrs. Chanda Kochhar the CEO of ICICI bank, who has done wonders in the same system, by focusing on being better professionals.
Let us empower ourselves by being the right person, instead of wishing for right people and right circumstances.