parent-child-talk-270x300 For a tree to grow to its size takes years, but to cut it takes a few minutes. To build a building such as the World Trade Centre takes years, but to bring it down, takes but a few hours. The principle of life also is that creation and preservation takes consistent efforts and destruction takes but a few minutes.

If I only see that destruction of the terrorist, and not focus on good people like E. Sreedharan, who built the Metro in Delhi, or Verghese Kurian who built the milk cooperatives of India, or A.P.J. Abdul Kalam who continues to tirelessly inspire the youth of India, we run to risk of thinking that the majority in the world only do bad things, and thus we may become cynical.

We need to keep abreast of the tireless effort of the builders in our society, so we may inspire ourselves to do the same for our family members, friends, people that we deal with in work and business and society at large.

I know of great man who died recently in our neighbourhood at the age of ninety four. We all used to call him Daarji. I once asked him how he could remain so energetic and healthy in old age, to which he answered that when he retired from active service, he started feeling that to remain happy, he needs to be active, for sitting idle is depressing. So he started focusing on helping his grandsons in their education, who at the time of his retirement were preparing for college entrance exams, he said helping them kept him busy, and young. He also remarked that his daughter-in-law and his son, who were both working at the time, greatly appreciated his efforts, and therefore respected him and took great care of him.

He said, `I realized as an elder, I need to continue adding value to the family, in-order to be respected and cared for.` He mentioned many retired people, don`t remain active, and therefore they become depressed and easily irritable, which leads to isolation from the family thus resulting in disharmony in their family. He once remarked that complaining is the most destructive way to seek attention.

When both of his grandsons entered good colleges, he started helping the children of the neighbourhood, thus keeping him active, healthy and young, and in the process he also started commanding great respect from the neighbourhood.

I once remember, him telling me that although he was suffering from Diabetes and heart problems, he was living well and long, because many families in the neighbourhood pray for his well being, for which he is very grateful.

I seldom saw Daarji, wasting his time in idle gossip or doing nothing, for he was always busy, building the lives of young children.

I thank Daarji, for he has inspired many people like me to live gracefully.

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