Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik`is an`Indian`physician turned leadership consultant,`mythologist`and author whose works focus largely on the areas of myth,`mythology`and also management. He has written over twenty-five books and 400 articles on Indian mythology.` Since 2007, he has been explaining the relationship between mythology and management through his column in the Economic Times; the talk he gave at the TED India conference in 2009; and the show Business Sutra which ran successfully on CNBC ` TV18 in 2010, besides numerous lectures at Indian Universities and management institutes. He spent fifteen years in healthcare (Apollo Health Street) and pharmaceutical (Sanofi Aventis) industries and worked briefly with Ernst & Young as a business adviser before he turned his passion into a vocation and joined the think tank of the Future Group as its Chief Belief Officer. Below you will find a link to one of his talks for CNBC ` TV18. Please view it to enlighten yourself.