Dhirubhai Ambani was once asked a question,` How come you are so successful`` To which he answered, `It is an indisputable fact that electrons with high energy keep on moving to higher orbits, I too was like an electron, from petrol pump in Yemen to Reliance, I kept on moving. My colleagues who shared this energy also jumped up while those who did not remained in the orbits they had started in.`

Valuing Energy

The key word over here is `Energy`, to move up into higher orbits by overcoming the obstacles that all of us come across in life. We have to have high energy. We cannot overcome obstacles without energy, we need to value energy. What I understood from Dhirubhai`s use of the word `Energy` is that it is a vital element for succeeding in life. With energy comes enthusiasm and motivation to view challenges as opportunities and eventually attain success in life. All of us possess energy; what we need to be aware of is whether our hearts and brains are `switched on` at all times. Often one experiences mood swings, we feel depressed and our energy levels get drained. Basically something that has upset us, will lead our `mental switch` to go off. So whenever our mental switch is off, whatever we do will be less than the optimum required to do great things. Therefore we must always be aware of how we are feeling at all times. Like Dhirubhai, we have to keep on striving to keep our mental switch on. If at any point of time we feel that our mental switch is off, first and foremost we must identify what drains our energy. It could be the weather, sickness, bad diet, an argument with someone, etc. After identifying the things that drain you, you may try and avoid thinking about them or indulging in them. Instead concentrate on the things that energize you, it could be music, a walk, a bath, a book, etc. Include these energizers in your life and it will lead you to switch on. You need to understand and embody the power of energy and enthusiasm. This process of always trying to be in a good mood or being in the `switch on` mode will help us to feel good about ourselves and thus it will keep our energies high, which will lead us to go to higher orbits. An inspiring example is Dhirubhai, son of a village school teacher, with very little means to start with, hardly any formal education to speak of, went to a foreign land, and worked in a entities in India. He wanted to make something out of himself, and true success is what you make of yourself by constantly striving. From major Indian newspapers to the politicians and the great Industrial leaders, all put hindrances in his path to make Dhirubhai`s life very challenging. But Dhirubhai faced the obstacles with a positive attitude and kept turning his `switch on` every time somebody switched it off. We all can learn to apply this concept of switching oneself `on` from Dhirubhai and do more of what we have the potential to accomplish in our lives.

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