Children have plenty of hopes and dreams for the New Year too. Ask your child what are a few things that they would like to see happen for the New Year. Maybe they want a raise in their allowance, to have a birthday party, or maybe spend more time as a family. Help your child make their resolutions happen too for the New Year. Instructions Talk to your child and ask her what the New Year means to her.Ask what she/he would like to do for the year ahead. Help your child write down his ideas on things that she/he would like to do for the New Year. Place a star next to his favorite ones. Pick out her/his favorite resolution and draw a picture about it. Talk about the resolution with your child and see when or how she/he would like to make that come true. Hang up the drawing in her/his room or on the refrigerator so that she/he can see her/his picture every day. Talk about your child's resolution with him/her once or twice a week to keep his interest. Reward your child for when it has been accomplished and congratulate your child. This is a great way to teach him about goals and accomplishing them.

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