`My scars don`t define me, it is my vision and my passion to achieve the vision that will define me.` ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Keichi Okwuchi
Keichi was in a plane crash in which 107 of the 109 passengers perished, and she was one of the two survivors. She suffered immense burns, and it took her months of intensive care and treatment to come out of it. She appeared on the America`s Got Talent in 2017 and blew the judges away, all the way to the finals.
Watching her audition and getting to know her ordeals and her personal victories since the terrible mishap she experienced, I was reminded of a series of my experiences, I have had in my life, which helped me to realize that as I become older, I will become bolder not colder.
`I was sad for I had no shoes, till I came across a man who had no feet.` I read this quotation in one of my father`s book when I was in my teens. I understood it in my own convenient way, i.e. be in gratitude for what you have been given, by God or by Parents, and there is no need to strive to earn for more or improve one`s condition.
I had confused complacency with satisfaction. Interestingly, the word `Satis` is a Latin word which means enough. So, the word satisfaction means enough-action.
Then in my mid-twenties, I realized that I need to strive to earn more for self and my family, and not to hide behind the garb of being in `gratitude.`
Now in my fifties, I have finally realized that gratitude and striving are not mutually exclusive, instead they go hand in hand, one propels the other.
I have realized that I need to be in gratitude consistently as I am benefitting immensely from the efforts of my near and dear ones, and I need to strive consistently to do my part. This will prevent me from taking others for granted and taking my life for granted.
I was humbled and inspired by watching her, for a few bruises or cuts I have experienced in my life, overcoming them, I had thought I have done wonders, but I realize that we all have the potential to triumph over immense challenges. Watching the likes of Kechi Okwuchi, will for sure ignite our abilities also. She teaches so beautifully how much capacity we have to strive in life to become better or to overcome challenges, and inspite of the immense efforts she has put in, she so intensely expresses her gratitude towards her mother, father, family and friends, and her immense faith in divinity.
Go ahead, please watch her video, and light the thousands starts of gratitude and never take our near and dear ones for granted.