parent-child-talk-270x300 Teaching is the most noble of all professions. It is a profession which shapes lives and mankind itself. Since the beginning of time, and over generations, mankind owes its learning to self-less teachers who have given all their time, effort, conc ern and knowledge to ensure that students achieve success in life. To return or repay the kindness of the teachers is not easy. `We must therefore take the responsibility to teach children to respect teachers. We all do respect our teachers, yet we also do and say things which are in a sense, very contradictory to the respect which we bear in our heart. This article will help you explore those thoughts and actions and give you some ideas to think about as well.

  1. Some unintentional mistakes Human beings are designed to make mistakes, many of which are harmless and unintentional and many otherwise. We would like you to think of every such incident where you have referred to your child`s teacher. Many times, these conversations are laden with your opinion. Your children are always listening to that opinion. When they hear so, they begin to judge the teachers in their mind. This mental activity surely impairs their ability to respect their teachers. While your opinion may be very legitimate, but voicing it to your spouse or relative and friend does not create a favourable situation for shaping your child`s attitude towards his teacher. Keep such conversations in check. In case you have a disagreement with a teacher, it is best to request time from the teacher and speak in person. Needless to add, that you may also be surprised at a new perspective that conversation would give you.
  2. Have empathy and understanding for the teacher Teachers are also human beings. We must allow them to exhibit normal behaviour, short-comings and behavioural peculiarities. Since their profession demands such high standards of moral and social behaviour, we tend to become very critical towards their human side. They do have a life apart from their work, and that may cause them to behave or act in a manner which we may not normally expect. We should not exercise our critical judgement on the teachers especially about things which are private and personal to them. `And most important is to not discuss those things. Remember, your attitude to the teacher shapes your child`s attitude to the teacher.
  3. `Accept and acknowledge the difficulty of their profession In a family which has two children or more, it is easy for the parents to understand that it is not easy for the teacher to manage so many children, and all at once. In modern families, which have only one child, the parents do not easily relate to the fact that their precious child is not the only one that the teacher has to take care of. This causes the parents to bear a lot of grudge towards the teacher and hold them guilty of negligence. Unfortunately, the child is also unable to connect to the teacher and begins to feel apathetically for the teacher. Rather, parents must co-operate with the teacher to understand the extent of the teacher`s responsibility. Remember, that your child is not entitled to special treatment, because a teacher is supposed to be impartial. So instead of responding negatively, teach the child to not be demanding but to become deserving. The attention and care will flow naturally.
  4. Discourage your child from indulging in pranks and fruitless discussions about school and teachers It may be very amusing to share the pranks you played on your teachers. But we do not really want our children to get inspired by those!` Children feel it is acceptable to carry on the mischiefs when they hear about their own parents being notorious. Another very important thing is, do not indulge in idle discussion about teachers. Imitating teachers and making fun of them is very sad and distasteful. It lowers your child`s value system and you must take care that even your child`s friends do not indulge in these activities. It is not only a mark or disregard and disrespect, but also unethical.

` We wish for you and your child to have a happy and thriving association with their teachers. A relationship that changes lives must last for a life time.


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