We all have greatest of respect for Gandhijee, Mother Teresa and now Annajee. And many more since civilization started thousands of years ago. There is a wise saying: `when big bells are ringing, no one hears the small bells`. True! Very true!! But in my opinion, it is also true that, if each one of us, me and you, irrespective of how big we are, how old we are, what is our status and position in life, our financial position and whatever else, we will get respect of the society of whatever little we do for others. I get my inspiration from Gandhijee`s Satyagraha, during which people would contribute in whichever way they could. On one such occasion when a beggar woman came on stage and Gandhijee got up himself to receive the coin everyone was surprised and when asked Gandhijee, replied with a smile: possibly she has given her lunch money!! The point is: it is our sincerity of purpose in life when we give what we give, versus our potential! I also get inspiration from a saying that if a glass can hold certain amount of water and it is full to its capacity, it is doing its 100% Karma. Azim Premjee of Wipro; Shiv Nadar of HCL; Sunil Bharati Mittal of Airtel, Murhty of Infosys; Kiran Mazumdar Shah of Biocon, and many more have given billions and millions for good causes to promote the welfare of the society. There is a new term which has been coined in the area of philanthropy which is ART OF GIVING. We Indians are getting inspired from Buffetts and Gates of USA. And why not` What is good in USA is good for us too! And there are those who give quietly: Tatas! You will never find a Tata in India`s Richi-Rich list because most of their wealth since generations are given to their trusts which have made a huge difference to our society. We can go on and on an on! But my message to you is simple: YOU, my friend, do the best you can to live for others by giving your time, ideas, money and whatever else you can give, till it hurts a little, and don`t worry who is seeing you or not. But don`t forget that when you go to sleep and you THINK IT OVER, have I lived a little bit for others today` If yes, go to sleep with a smile on your lips, in your mind and heart and if not do it tomorrow! Tomorrow is always another day to do your good! `Make it living for others` as part of your attitude. Good luck.