Virat Kohli was noticed when he played for Delhi in a`Ranjhi Trophy`match against Karnataka. His father had died early that morning, and`yet`he was at the stadium to play for his team. His 90 run innings were crucial for Delhi's victory that day. And this was in 2006 when he was 17 years old. Only a person with remarkable passion and love for what he or she is doing can go ahead and do something so...remarkable. It takes great courage and emotional strength to play such a wonderful innings on the morning of your father's death. At the age of 17 one is still a child, not fully matured. He is the first Indian to make a century in his world cup debut match [his 100* against BD in the opening WC match]. Earlier he appeared to be a`"young talented lad in love with his own game". He admits to have been carried away by the fame that IPL gave him [post the success of the U-19 cup]. These are his very words- I think I lost my way in the first year (of IPL) very badly and I admit to it. I was taken by the fame, so many people coming to watch and it was all first for me. Some people can deal with it but I couldn't. I didn't do well in the IPL but scored a century in the Emerging Players' tournament in Australia. (Dilip) Vengsarkar (the chairman of selectors) was there and he gave me a break in the national team after which things have only improved for me. That Emerging Players' tournament was the turning point of my career It takes a great deal of courage to own up to your mistakes. Only a strong individual can do that. Unlike what most teenagers would have done in such a position, Kohli was determined to change his attitude and work towards the best. This again is from his own words- What people were talking about my attitude during first IPL was right to a certain extent. I have accepted the criticism and tried to take it in the right spirit. There are two ways to deal with it; either you ignore it and keep continuing in the same way doing the same mistakes or you can accept the criticism and rectify it. And I took the second approach. `Virat Kohli is an ideal inspiration for the Indian Youth `because he has achieved a lot of success and has fulfilled his dreams at a young age of 22. Such an example is an inspiration to the youth who believe in going after their dreams at a young age. It's an inspiration for the ones who don't want to wait till they are in their mid 30's to achieve their dreams. Virat Kohli is a living example and a proof that one doesn't need to go through twisted ways, or wait for a long time to achieve their dreams. He is a proof that one can use the straight and honest path & yet achieve a lot in a very short time. Please click on the link below to see an interview of Virat Kohli.