- Learn from Hanumanji: De panga, le panga. Give trouble, get trouble.
- Do essentials; don`t do in-essentials!
- Do important jobs now before they become urgent.
- Work hard, work smarter.
- Fear embarrassment holds us back; learn to have no fears.
- Do it now. OR GET IT DONE!
- Help people whenever you can, as many times as you can. This is part of the attitude of networking.
- Boss, wife, son, daughter` what can I do for you today` Invest your time in helping people around you.
- Monkeys go on jumping around. Honey bees go on working, to have enough to store for tougher time.
- Do not expect your boss to be intelligent or knowledgeable! His job is to get job done through you or anyone else.
- Do small things greatly.
- Keep your office or your working place as if your god is going to pay you a visit!
- No effort ever goes waste.
- Begin, do not go on brooding.
- Do one thing at a time.
- Manufacture an attitude of `everyday`!
- Send your thank you note now, even if it is on scrap paper!
- Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things!
- Use the waste paper basket a lot; throw away what you won`t need!
- Say your one-minute prayer often.
- Ships are safe in the harbor, but they are meant to go out into the sea!
- Work smarter, not just harder.
- Learn the attitude of suspended conclusion.
- What are you doing for others` Do ask yourself this question at regular intervals.
- Do not ask what others can do for you, do whatever you can do for yourself.
- Starve the problems, feed the opportunities.
- Find employment in your job. Don`t waste your time on doing a routine job exceedingly well!