Anxiety is an intemperate reaction to situations apparently inescapable or unmanageable. It differs from fear for the fact that anxiety focuses on matters yet to happen, while fear is related to the present. In a way, anxiety could be explained as a response to perceived threats, ambiguity of the future and perhaps as a negative view of the surprise which the future holds. It is normal to experience a fair amount of anxiety for critical matters, but it is short-lived. When people experience anxiety as their general mood, it is important to find a way to deal with it. A prolonged state of anxiety is likely to have similar ill-effects as stress. Here are some practical suggestions for dealing with anxiety:

    1. Watch your thoughts `The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven` - John Milton. Anxiety is a normal thing, and everyone is equally susceptible. Therefore a conscious effort to cleanse the mind is important. A bad experience may leave its marks on our mind, yet it should not deprive us of hope and faith in the future. Associate with optimistic people and learn how they maintain their disposition and resilience. Positive thoughts are a wholesome antidote for anxious feelings.


    1. Manage your anger When your anger goes unchecked, you have created a situation of negativity, unrest, and disharmony around you. Trivial matters become your focus and worries, and anxiety follows. As people begin to distance themselves due to your angry outbursts, sadly there would be fewer people who can support you to deal with anxiety.


    1. Set right standards for yourself Most of our anxiety comes when we compare ourselves with others. Along with anxiety, comparing also breeds jealousy, another vicious and negative feeling. Read `Simple Ways of dealing with Jealousy`. When you no longer want to achieve just to compete with others or to gain their approval, but for your own evolvement and growth, you have certainly freed your mind from this unnecessary burden of anxiety.


    1. Control the urge to multi-task Modern gadgets have immense efficacy as they make it possible to do multiple activities at a given point of time. Yet, there is a serious negative aspect to this convenience. When you do one activity which may cause you little stress, say you are negotiating your car through very heavy traffic when you are taking your child to answer a test, and at the same time you are trying to sort out a matter over the phone with someone who has upset you; are you in the best situation to handle all of that concurrently` We would inevitable fail because our mind can handle only a given amount of stress at a time. When we over-work it, we feel anxious and exasperated.


    1. Manage your time and schedule A lot of people experience anxiety due to extremely minor faults and oversights in managing their schedule. When you need to keep a critical appointment, say an interview or presentation, have some spare time on your hands to reduce time related anxiety. Try to overestimate the probable delays. Giving yourself adequate time to become comfortable in the new environment helps in reducing anxiety and calms you down so that you can think more rationally.


    1. Prepare well There is no shortcut to preparation. When you put in less than your best during your preparation, you can expect anxiety and fear to accompany you along the task. Keep enough time to prepare, and prepare sincerely. Honest labour will bear fruit and it has no fear of results. It is when you have compromised with your work, you feel anxious.


    1. Don`t chase a moving target While you may not be aware, a lot of us are chasing not a definite goal but a moving target. So no matter what amount of work we put in, success and the satisfaction thereof eludes us. Clarify your goals. Define what you want. Decide how you plan to do it and just go ahead. It is when you change your mind or lose your conviction mid-way; you begin to feel anxious about where you are headed. Read how to achieve your goals.


    1. Use leisure time to build your strengths When work is over, most of us like to do activities which are completely unrelated to work. While compartmentalization has its benefits, ask yourself:Is there something you can do in your spare time that will help you do your work better` What can you learn to get an edge` How can upgrade your skill set` When you use your leisure to enhance your abilities, you have not just beaten complacency and competition, you have made tangible progress in the journey of your personal growth. Would you then have much to be anxious about when you are putting in honest labour`


    1. Don`t have too many advisors Sharing with another person helps you to gain more perspective on your concern. It is surely an advisable way to deal with anxiety. A word of caution is important here. Choose your advisors wisely and do not have too many of them. It is helpful to consider someone else`s view point and suggestions but too many of them will add to your worries instead.


    1. Exercise discrimination We become anxious when we fail to discriminate between the real and unreal. We all consistently judge things disproportionately. Having a realistic view of the world, and having realistic expectations in life will help us to keep our balance. Failures and disappointments will continue to matter, but will not affect us adversely so as to make us anxious or dejected. It takes a life-long learning to truly understand that there are really very few things which are very serious, rest all shall soon pass.

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