Are you struggling to get things done` There is no day of the week called `someday`. It is either important enough to do it now or not at all. Little do we realize that unfinished work is a very heavy burden and fills our mind with sorrowful regret of under utilizing the resources at hand, especially our time and talent. We may put a task away from our desk, but it is right there, in our mind. And the bad news is that it will keep telling you that you have not been sincere to some task or assignment. Discomforting and unsettling, that this feeling is, obviously it stops us from performing at one hundred percent of our potential. Through the following article let us look inside and find for ourselves if we are guilty of one or more of these work attitudes and take a look at how to overcome it. It is possible that one may possess a combination of traits, so it is best to examine `how much of you` is caught up in which category and take action corresponding to it.
- The free-spirited approach of avoiding stress and pain, and instead deceiving your focus. This pleasure seeker believes that he is supposed to do only those tasks which he likes. How can you reign in the free-spirit`
- By understanding the consequences of your actions and inaction.
- Realize that we cannot forever be in this vacation mode as well as mood.
- Sooner or later a price too heavy will have to be paid.
- Avoiding pains are also limiting our gains.
- The fear of inadequacy, and fear of success as well as of failure. This is a devouring fire which burns one`s potential reminding him only of his imperfections. He fears falling short of expectations and being critically evaluated for performance. This fear of pressure makes him indecisive and defensive and he often resorts to blaming others. Evidently, it has immense negative influence on his confidence. How can you reign in this unreasonable fear`
- Learning to let go of some of the fixed ideas about perfection, success and failure.
- Taking responsibility of things that are going wrong, instead of finding opportunities to blame.
- The evasive comic, who uses the stories of his procrastination for entertaining colleagues and making light of the matter. He is unsure of success and what it would be like to really accomplish goals. In this way, he lowers the expectations of others. How can you come out of the evasive mode`
- Become accountable.
- Confronting the fact that no one actually benefits from it when he remains in that mode.
- Address the harm or loss faced by others as you are holding back your potential - and stand up to the responsibility.
- Completely dissociate from every activity you do that is connected to this mode of being.
- The compulsive helper, who seeks purpose in his life by taking care of others` needs and ignores his own needs. It is probable he is dealing with some void in his life which he fulfills by being useful to others in order to deal with his own difficult feelings.Read: Are you a Prisoner of your Past` How can you get a hold on the compulsive helper in you`
- Be present to your own needs.
- Draw boundaries for helping others.Read: Are you a People Pleaser
- The over-zealous researcher who strives to know every possible detail about every possible topic before embarking upon a task. Such overload of information prevents him from using his talents as there is little time left for it. And unfortunately, he is unable to be thorough with any one topic as he spreads himself in too many directions. How can such a researcher be more productive`
- Accept that there can never be complete, absolute and perfect learning to begin any task.
- Do not invalidate what you already know.
- Question yourself - `why do you need so much of additional information, always` `have you used all the information which you have collected before`
- The heroic worker who is sought after and much admired for resolving critical issues in the last-minute. He derives immense thrill by frantic last-minute work to meet a deadline or coming up with a genius solution and get acclaimed for the idea than deliver the solution. He secretly knows that the crisis was partly his own creation because he did not follow a disciplined timeline. How can you keep the temptation of becoming the heroic worker under check`
- What are the other things you can do which will bring the same thrilling experience as when you become a `heroic worker``
- Look around you and examine the cost at which your need to become so is being satisfied.
- Do you also see the benefits of giving that up`
- The defiant worker who needs to feel in control and rebel against anyone in a position of authority. He may be guilty of purposefully putting off things to create a crisis and gain control over a situation or even people. It is quite probable a reaction to the assumption that people may not be paying him necessary attention. While he may like to command others, he would not like to be assigned tasks himself. How to take charge of the defiance you`
- Find out what threatens you when you are asked to do a certain thing`
- How can you look at it differently`
- Is there any real thing that upsets you, or is it that you choose to interpret it that way`
- Recall an experience where you delivered something against your wishes, and received appreciation and gratitude.
- Learn to enjoy such returns, and find ways to be useful.
- The procrastination addict who are not even aware to the fact that they are doing it. They are not deliberate, but they are compulsively doing it. He is guilty of squandering time in unproductive activities.Read: Is Social Networking consuming your precious time` He has this unproven principle that he can only work well under pressure. How to confront your inner procrastination addict`
- What about the `pressure` thrills you`
- Recall a time when you worked peacefully at a steady pace. What was the quality of your work`
- Is the `pressure` a notion then`
- What new element in the work can give you the thrill which will sustain your interest`
- How will your de-addiction help others`
The heavy price we pay for such attitude to our work is not always visible, yet it may have great impact on your overall performance. It certainly lowers the self-esteem to begin with, as one is aware of his lowered productivity in spite of the show he may put up outwardly. Such people are unable to tolerate disappointments and frustrations since all of it is being used up by the inner defiance and addiction like we discussed. We can deduce, as a natural progression to the situation, that he would lack knowledge and skills because every excuse is to cover up for some inadequacy. He would have a difficult time managing himself and things, as well as organizing them. Such a role would cause great distress on him. Over time it is likely for such people to develop serious physical or psychological challenges. Identify your challenges and follow the easy steps to regulate yourself. Take control of your work attitude before it controls you!